Miss M | High School Senior

I was going to declare today a lazy "Sunday", but here I am on my blog (it's Tuesday, but my schedule is weird lol). I wrapped up editing a handful of high school seniors last week, then the mini sessions I had scheduled this past weekend were rained out, so I'm using my unexpected downtime to blog some of my most recent seniors. :)

It's raining today, which makes me think of miss M's senior session, where 5 minutes in, the rain started lightly coming down. I asked her if she wanted to stop shooting and she said no! I was low key hyped because I was loving the even lighting the clouds were giving and I kind of like rainy looking sessions, as long as it's not pouring. I am so glad we continued because we were able to fit in about an hour of shooting and I'm pretty sure every single image is my favorite!! Since I only have room for a certain number of photos, I'm going to try to narrow them down haha.