Ahhhh, January... The month where I take a break after a busy shooting season, update my blog, update my website, etc., except I've been unseasonably busier this month than I usually am and I am not complaining about it! If my clients don't mind shooting in the colder weather, I don't mind shooting in the colder weather. Since my schedule isn't as jammed up as it was from October to December, I have the luxury of blocking off a whole weekend for my clients and then I let them pick which afternoon they'd like to meet for their portraits, once we're able to see the weather prediction. We just pick the warmer day out of the weekend and it's been working great!

Even though we were picking the best day for weather, we still ended up on a very overcast day, but in case you didn't know, overcast days can be gorgeous with the even lighting and I tend to love the vibe the lighting creates.

Thanks for looking!!